Shrubby raspberry of eastern North America having showy rose to purplish flowers and red or orange thimble-shaped fruit.
Examples for "purple-flowering raspberry"
Examples for "purple-flowering raspberry"
1The purple-flowering raspberry is acid and insipid; it can hardly be called edible, though it is not poisonous.
2I noted the same complaining cry from the bees when working on the flower of the purple-flowering raspberry, what we called "Scotch caps."
1Green parrots went scolding and laughing down the thimbleberry hedges that bordered the cornfields, as much at home out of doors as within.
2There are blackberries also, Lady Mary; and some people call them thimbleberries.
3Ferns and thimbleberries and other green leafy plants flourished alongside mushrooms of every shape, size, and color.
4"I thought you were to furnish the thimbleberries for lunch," he said.
5"And I'll pick thimbleberries for our lunch," said Phyllis, eagerly.
1Here and there will be a clump of flowering raspberry.
2The purple- flowering raspberry is acid and insipid; it can hardly be called edible, though it is not poisonous.
3I noted the same complaining cry from the bees when working on the flower of the purple- flowering raspberry, what we called "Scotch caps."
4R. ODORATUS.-Purpleflowering Raspberry.